Michael Fitzalan Master of Disguise

Master of Disguise

  Master of Disguise, Michael Fitzalan M.O.D. -– MASTER OF DISGUISE – MARK O’DOWD All rights reserved. No part of this script may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. One: […]

Harry by Michael Fitzalan

Harry by Michael Fitzalan

Harry by Michael Fitzalan Chapter One – The Escape  It was not the best day to escape from school, in a foreign land.  Boom, the thunder rent the silence, a stunning sound of such violence that Stephen’s chest-cavity shook. Clouds scudded across the sky, grey stratus sheets, layer upon layer of oppressive pressure; it was […]

Michael Fitzalan in Contemplation

Jubilee 1977 Michael Fitzalan

Jubile  Chapter One  – A Seven Taste  1977 was a momentous year. We called it seventy-seven; the DJ on Capital called it Seveny-Seven. If you did not listen to Capital Radio, you were not worth knowing. To listen to ‘Radio One’ was heresy, even if it was the weekend top forty, both radio stations aired their singles chart on […]

2029 Michael Fitzalan

2029 A Book of Our Time

2029 A Book of Our Time A glimpse into the future. 2029 A tale of love and betrayal in a dystopian post-Brexit Britain A tale of post-Brexit smugglers, love and betrayal in a dystopian society Prelude  Momentarily, I was the happiest person on the planet; I even joined in their splashing of each other and […]

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