Michael Fitzalan LowSq

Apart from toxic fumes such as  carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, diesel contains particulate matter. Prolonged exposure to these fumes can lead to respiratory problems, lung damage, and other health issues.

The sulhhur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and greenhouse gases (GHGs) pollutants contribute to air pollution, smog formation, acid rain, and climate change. Diesel engines are often associated with higher emissions compared to petrol engines.

Diesel exhaust emissions have been linked to several health problems, including respiratory diseases, asthma, lung cancer, cardiovascular issues, and premature death. The fine particulate matter in diesel emissions can penetrate deep into the lungs and enter the bloodstream, causing systemic health effects.

To mitigate these dangers, I think diesel engines should be banned in cities, particularly as they are four times more polluting than petrol cares.

From Macdonald’s – a solution?

How does bio-diesel power your delivery trucks and how many lorries are powered by used cooking oil?

May 22, 2018
We recycle the used cooking oil from our kitchens into biodiesel, which we use to help fuel our delivery trucks. We do it by collecting used cooking oil from our restaurants. At a processing facility in Liverpool, the oil is left to settle in large tanks. Smaller and lighter particles float to the top, while heavier ones sink to the bottom. The oil is gently heated and spun to remove water and solids. At this point a process called esterification takes place, a chemical reaction that produces biodiesel. Then filtration and distillation take place. At that point, the biodiesel is ready for use in our delivery trucks.

It works in Holland

Neste, McDonald’s Netherlands and HAVI have joined forces to create a circular economic partnership. According to it, Neste will process the oil from making French fries into environmentally friendly fuel, which will then be used to fuel HAVI trucks.
The company will deliver goods to 252 Dutch restaurants in the McDonald’s chain using trucks running on biofuel. It will also transport used oil from the restaurants to the Rotterdam refinery.

According to Neste, renewable diesel will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% compared to fossil diesel.

“We are big enough to make a difference. Circularity and reducing waste are one of the pillars of our ongoing sustainability program,” says Jeroen Dekkers, head of supply chain at McDonald’s Netherlands.”

Together with HAVI we developed a roadmap to see what steps we could take to reduce our carbon emissions from the logistics side and to make our logistics more future-proof. In addition to switching to renewable diesel, this entails a look into hybrid and electric vehicles and using logistic city hubs to reduce inner-city movements,” added Dekkers.

Read more at: https://trans.info/trucks-running-on-cooking-oil-to-deliver-goods-for-mcdonald-s-in-the-next-country-190550

Title: Embrace a Cleaner Future: Why It’s Time to Bid Farewell to Diesel Cars

Introduction: In recent years, the world has witnessed a growing concern for the environment and the urgent need to tackle climate change. As we strive for a sustainable future, one crucial step we can take is to transition away from diesel cars. Despite their popularity and long-standing presence on our roads, diesel vehicles pose significant risks to our health, environment, and the very planet we call home. It’s time to embrace cleaner alternatives and bid farewell to diesel cars for good.

  1. Environmental Impact: Diesel cars are notorious for their higher emissions of harmful pollutants, including nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM). These pollutants contribute to air pollution, smog formation, and respiratory problems, posing a grave risk to human health. By transitioning to cleaner alternatives, such as electric or hybrid vehicles, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and improve the air quality in our cities.
  2. Health Hazards: The toxic fumes emitted by diesel cars have been linked to a range of health issues, including respiratory diseases, asthma, lung cancer, and cardiovascular problems. Vulnerable populations, such as children and the elderly, are particularly susceptible. By moving away from diesel vehicles, we can create healthier communities and ensure a better quality of life for ourselves and future generations.
  3. Climate Change Mitigation: As the world grapples with the devastating impacts of climate change, it is crucial to address the role of transportation in carbon emissions. Diesel cars are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, which trap heat in the atmosphere and lead to global warming. By embracing cleaner alternatives like electric or hydrogen-powered vehicles, we can make significant strides towards a low-carbon future and help mitigate the worst effects of climate change.
  4. Technological Advancements: The automotive industry has made remarkable progress in developing innovative and efficient alternatives to diesel engines. Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly evolving, with longer driving ranges, improved charging infrastructure, and enhanced battery technologies. EVs not only offer zero tailpipe emissions but also provide a thrilling driving experience. Additionally, advances in hydrogen fuel cell technology offer a promising alternative for long-range driving without harmful emissions. Embracing these technological advancements will not only reduce our environmental impact but also lead to more sustainable and innovative transportation solutions.
  5. Government Incentives and Support: Governments around the world are recognizing the urgent need to transition to cleaner transportation systems. Many countries and cities have introduced incentives and policies to encourage the adoption of electric and low-emission vehicles. These include financial incentives, tax breaks, improved charging infrastructure, and stricter emission standards. By giving up diesel cars, you can take advantage of these incentives and be part of a global movement towards a greener future.

Conclusion: As we stand at a critical juncture in history, the decisions we make today will shape the world we leave behind for future generations. By bidding farewell to diesel cars and embracing cleaner alternatives, we can significantly reduce our environmental impact, improve public health, and contribute to the fight against climate change. Let us come together to create a sustainable, clean, and vibrant future—one where the streets are filled with electric vehicles, and the air we breathe is free from harmful emissions. The time to act is now, for the sake of our planet and the well-being of all its inhabitants.

Alternatives apart from electric and hydrogen include methane.

New Holland Tractors say:

The power and torque produced by the methane engine are comparable to those of a standard production T6 tractor.
This means that the T6 Methane Power responds in exactly the same way and enables you to complete the same tasks as before, just more sustainably and with a reduced operating cost.

The T6 Methane Power features an all-new NEF 6.7L engine specifically developed for agricultural applications by FPT Industrial, a leader in natural gas powertrain technology, with over 20 years’ experience and 50,000 natural gas engines produced to date.
Methane and biomethane are incredibly clean burning fuels, with up to 80% lower polluting emission than diesel. As such there is a reduced requirement for after treatment: less polluting exhaust gases are produced so less ‘cleaning’ is required. A simple 3-way catalyst is used which is a light and compact solution that is package under the engine hood.

In applications where a constant PTO speed is required, Engine Speed Management ensures the selected speed is accurately maintained under changing loads; it’s also perfect for maintaining a fixed forward speed in difficult terrain.

So let’s ditch diesel.




Michael Fitzalan’s first novel gained cult status and here are some others: Waterwitch was a hit with those who have ever sailed; two brothers battle storms and Spanish support for the Malvinas in an attempt to meet up with their girlfriends in Ibiza. They have to get from The Algarve to Ibiza, all very straightforward until engine failure and storms threaten to sink all their plans. The Taint Gallery tells the story of a modern Romeo and Juliet; the story is set in Cheslea and Fulham, not Verona, nevertheless, it is a doomed relationship. The book was shunned by big publishers for its highly charged and graphic sexual content and the small publisher who produced the book folded, copies are rare. A reprint is planned for its twentieth anniversary next year; it is still as pertinent and shocking today as it was back in 1996. Switch is an amazing mixture of Franz Kafka realism yet it reads like a Raymond Chandler thriller. Joe Ederer falls for a French girl but he is recovering from being dumped by his English girlfriend. A fish out of water in London, he chases her home only to be rejected. He hooks up with a suffocating drug addict and that is when his nightmares begin. Major Bruton’s Safari is the story of innocents abroad; a family invited to celebrate the coronation of the Kabaka of Buganda become indoctrinated into the ways of Africa. With an acerbic observer on hand, the family experience the warmth and ways of Uganda that help them to understand themselves a little better. IPG – Innocent Proven Guilty is about a teacher, Philip Hayward whose brother sold their shared flat and ran off to America with the proceeds. Philip bumps into his brother’s ex-girlfriend and she tells him his brother is back. Racing to the address she gave him, he arrives to find his brother with a knife in his back. As he leaves, his shoes leave bloody footprints and the police come looking for him. Carom – Finn McHugh and his team take on a swindler and smuggler, Didier, who is depraved in so many ways. They know he is smuggling art and drugs; he must be stopped before others take him out. The Cubans, want him dead, Finn wants to break the smuggling ring. Who will win? Remember the Fifth November – Guy Fawkes was innocent, Catesby was a broken man who brought his children up in the Anglican faith, yet Robert Cecil arranged for them to be portrayed as terrible villains. With a spy service second to none and with moles everywhere how could someone hatch a plot like this and fail to be discovered? The answer, they could not. Read the truth! One – Bullying does not go on anymore in schools. I would not bet on it. Weep as you read the terrible story of a school bully and the misery he dispenses to all the boys. Then, cheer as one of his victims takes revenge. Take a trip to a prep school in a time when kids built tree houses, danced and swung on Tarzan ropes!

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